Irish Family Federation For World Peace & Unification



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Family Federation For World Peace & Unification



The founders of the Family Federation for World Peace (which is a project of the Unification Movement) are the Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his wife, Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon. They provide, as a couple, spiritual and moral leadership of the Federation. In this they are striving to exemplify the ideal of ‘true parents' not only for the FFWPU but also for the wider family of humankind. They teach that the family is a place where we can most fully meet God, experience His true love, and learn both how to love others and how to be responsible as His sons and daughters.

Statement Of Purpose
The Family Federation for World Peace (FFWP) is established to regenerate the family’s moral leadership as a foundation for the good society.

Healthy families are the foundation for healthy, well-adjusted nations because the values that promote peace in the world community are a direct extension of the values that promote peace within individual families.

The family is the school of love. Within it we learn about the different dimensions of love, as a child, as a brother or sister, as a husband or wife and as a parent. How we learn these lessons largely determines how we relate to people in the global family and how we fulfill our responsibilities as citizens of our nations and of the world.

Promoting the development of such families is the central mission of the Family Federation. specifically, the FFWP promotes the responsibility of parents to care for and love their children; to guide them to the highest moral, physical and intellectual standards; and to protect them from abuse and exploitation. The responsibility of husband and wife is to maintain purity in conjugal love, upholding the ideal of marital fidelity, and the responsibility of children is to love and respect their parents. a society made up of families that follow this standard has the capacity to overcome even the deepest and most pervasive social problems.

Now that the world is no longer divided into opposing ideological camps, world leaders have an increased opportunity to focus on the humanitarian issues of domestic violence, youth problems, child and spousal abuse, unwanted pregnancies--problems which are common to every country on earth.

The FFWP is a global; non-governmental organization that is politically nonpartisan. It is ecumenical in its religious outlook, recognizing and affirming that spirituality, as expressed in the world’s different faiths, plays an essential role in those values that sustain strong families.

The FFWP will conduct its work alongside and in cooperation with other national and world organizations recognized and respected for their work in dealing with the issues and problems outlined in the preceding paragraphs.

The organization will be involved in educational and charitable programs and activities that involve the full participation of people of good will representing all nations, races, religions and political persuasions. Such activities may include:

Convening scholars, and experts to advance and deepen the understanding of family, marriage, and their relationship with the development of the individual and society.
Encouraging and/or sponsoring programs of education and counseling for troubled marriages and youth, with emphasis on familial and parental responsibility and its impact on society.
Supporting educational seminars on the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, through a focus on values that promote moral living habits, sexual abstinence until marriage and fidelity within marriage.
Sponsoring cultural programs, family service projects, and ongoing alliances with like-minded organizations to bring together races and cultures in acts of reconciliation and healing.
Publishing literature, including newspapers, magazines and newsletters, and otherwise disseminating information through television, video and audio tapes and electronic bulletin boards.





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