Irish Family Federation For World Peace & Unification



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New Hope - Twelve Talks
A collection of sermons given by Rev. Moon in his first three years in America, 1971 to 1973.


Exposition of the Divine Principle
The revelation received by Rev. Sun Myung Moon. (1996 translation)


God's Will and the World
Selected Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon


Blessing and Ideal Family
Excerpts of Rev. Moon's teachings on marriage and family life.


The Healing of the World
An introduction to the life and teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.


Building a World of True Love
An Introduction to the Divine Principle.


Speeches of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon
The earliest recorded sermons of Rev. Moon from his ministry in South Korea are finally being translated into English for the first time. Here we present sermons from 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1971, 1972, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002.
Speeches of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.
A collection of sermons given on several worldwide speaking tours since 1992.


Divine Principle
The revelation received by Rev. Sun Myung Moon. (1973 translation)


The Way of God's Will.
A collection of sayings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.


True Parents and the Completed Testament Age
A speech given by Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon in 44 countries in 1993 is an excellent introduction into the teachings of the Unification Church.


Proclamation of the Messiah
A proclamation of the coming of the Messiah by Reverend Sun Myung Moon.


Outline of the Principle
A simplified illustrated version of the teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.


Tribal Messiah
A book of excerpts of Rev. Moon's teachings on Tribal Messiahship, the mission of families who have received the Blessing of God from the Messiah who comes as True Parents.


The Tradition, Book One
An explanation of the True Parents' tradition of true love by Reverend Chung Hwan Kwak.


True Love
The important theme of truelove in the teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon is here elaborated in great detail.


World Scripture
A comparative anthology of the sacred texts of the world's religions.


Textbook for World Peace
Selected speeches by Reverend Sun Myung Moon & President Hak Ja Han Moon


Marriage, Family and World Peace
An invitation to the Blessing.


Family Pledge
This pledge is recited at a 5 am service on Sundays, the first day of the month and on Holy Days. This is a new pledge inaugurated on the 40th anniversary on May 1, 1994 of the founding of the Unification Church. Before that time, since 1968, another pledge was used, known as the Pledge of the Families and My Pledge. You may also be interested in the original translation of this pledge.


Recent public statements by Rev. Moon:
  1. The Declaration for the Blessed Family
  2. The Săo Paulo Declaration
  3. The New Hope Farm Declaration


A Life of Prayer
Prayers of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.


God's Will and the Ocean
outlines Rev. Sun Myung Moon's teachings on the importance of developing oceanic resources to feed the world.


Father's Course and our Life of Faith
21 Talks on the life of Rev. Sun Myung Moon by his first disciple, Rev. Won Pil Kim.


The God-Centered Worldview: Worldwide Perspective for the 21st Century
A speech by Antonio L. Betancourt, Executive Director, Summit Council for World Peace, Secretary General, Association for the Unity of Latin America.


True Parents' History for Children -
A collection of stories about the early ministry of Rev. Moon, written for children.


Early Unification Church History
A history by Mrs. Nora Spurgin. This is a three-part article first published in Blessed Family Volume 4.


Insights into the Afterlife
A short monograph by Nora M. Spurgin, gives some idea of the Unification teaching on the afterlife.


Today's World Problems and Unification Thought
A speech by Sang Hun Lee of the Unification Thought Institute provides an introduction to the political philosophy of Unificationism.


The Heart of God
A sermon by the late Dr. Young Oon Kim.


True Love and Forbidden Love - An Investigation into the Cause of Immorality and Suffering, its Historical Origin and its Solution
A book by Jesús González Losada.


Contemplating Unification Thought
An overview of Unification teachings in the terminology of philosophy by Dr. Jennifer P. Tanabe.


The Power of the Principle: Whence it Came; Where it Went
An article by the late Richard Quebedeaux.


A Guide to Heavenly Tradition
Sermons by Rev. Young Whi Kim.


The Divine Principle Home Study Course
A course in the Divine Principle designed to be studied unassisted.


Teachings on True Family Values
An introduction to True Family Values.


Communism: A New Critique And Counterproposal - Questions & Answers
And introduction to Unificationist ideas on the evil of Communism.


Unification Theology by Young Oon Kim
A comparison of Unificationist and traditional Christian theologies.





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